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Lang zh_CN
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  • zh_CN
Country Germany
  • Italy
  • Usa / Canada / Mexico
  • France
  • Germany
  • UK / Ireland
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  • Spain

FMS 数字字符式平面编码环

FMS flat ring markers printed black on yellow, push onto tie on carriers for attachment to large diameter cables, etc. Made from soft PVC, self extinguishing according to V0 (UL 94), they are chevron cut for perfect alignment on the conductor. Characters are printed by a hot process, making a slight impression in the material to maintain indelible marking over time.
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  • 技术信息
  • 材质和处理
  • 重量和尺寸
  • 类别和数据排列
  • 认证
-30   °C
90   °C
軟質 PVC
10   mm
10   mm

重量和尺寸 包装信息 认证
tipo L [mm] 最小包装单元 [pce] 标准包装单位 [pce] UL94标准下的灭弧等级
32274- 4 500 V0
32274-0 4 500 500 V0
32274-1 4 500 500 V0
32274-2 4 500 500 V0
32274-3 4 500 500 V0
32274-4 4 500 500 V0
32274-5 4 500 500 V0
32274-6 4 500 500 V0
32274-7 4 500 500 V0
32274-8 4 500 500 V0
32274-9 4 500 500 V0
32274-A 4 500 500 V0
32274-B 4 500 500 V0
32274-C 4 500 V0
32274-D 4 500 V0
32274-E 4 500 500 V0
32274-F 4 500 500 V0
32274-G 4 500 500 V0
32274-H 4 500 500 V0
32274-I 4 500 V0
32274-J 4 500 500 V0
32274-K 4 500 500 V0
32274-L 4 500 V0
32274-M 4 500 500 V0
32274-N 4 500 500 V0
32274-O 4 500 500 V0
32274-P 4 500 500 V0
32274-Q 4 500 500 V0
32274-R 4 500 500 V0
32274-S 4 500 500 V0
32274-T 4 500 500 V0
32274-U 4 500 500 V0
32274-V 4 500 500 V0
32274-W 4 500 V0
32274-X 4 500 500 V0
32274-Y 4 500 V0
32274-Z 4 500 500 V0
32274-PLS 4 500 500 V0
32274-MNS 4 500 500 V0
32274-EQL 4 500 V0
32274-STK 4 500 500 V0
32274-DOT 4 500 V0
32274-COM 4 500 V0
32274-CLN 4 500 V0
32274-SCLN 4 500 V0
32274-GND 4 500 V0
32274-GNDP 4 500 V0
32274-AC 4 500 V0
32274-OHM 4 500 V0
32274-AST 4 500 V0
32274-DELTA 4 500 V0
32274-STAR 4 500 V0
32274-DIA 4 500 V0
重量和尺寸 包装信息 认证
tipo L [mm] 最小包装单元 [pce] UL94标准下的灭弧等级
20314 40 100 V0


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