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Legend rails provide an alternative to direct marking on components.
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  • Technical information
  • Material composition and treatments
  • Weight and dimensions
  • Logistic
  • Classification and data ordering
  • Certifications
Maximum operating temperature
90   °C
Minimum application temperature
10   °C
Maximum application temperature
40   °C
Self-extinguishing fire class according to UL 94
Rigid dielectric high-impact PVC
15   mm
Storage temperature
10 ÷ 25   °C
Relative humidity of storage
45 ÷ 55
Type of packaging
Customs code
ROHS compliant

Technical information Weight and dimensions Classification and data ordering
tipo Colour Type of adhesive Type of application surface L [mm] Gross weight [g] ETIM Class 7
990455N Black RAL 9005 Spongy double sided tape flat smooth 430 20,000 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990665N Black RAL 9005 Spongy double sided tape flat smooth 650 48,000 Labelling material [EC001288]
990525N Black RAL 9005 Spongy double sided tape flat smooth 1000 47,560 Labelling material [EC001288]
990453N Grey RAL 7047 Spongy double sided tape flat smooth 430 20,200 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990663N Grey RAL 7047 Spongy double sided tape flat smooth 430 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990503N Grey RAL 7047 Spongy double sided tape flat smooth 1000 47,560 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
Technical information Weight and dimensions Classification and data ordering
tipo Colour L [mm] Gross weight [g] ETIM Class 7
990456 Transparent 430 16,000 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
Technical information Weight and dimensions Classification and data ordering
tipo Colour Type of application surface L [mm] Gross weight [g] ETIM Class 7
990502 Grey RAL 7047 flat smooth 1000 38,272 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990452 Grey RAL 7047 flat smooth 430 19,600 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990662 Grey RAL 7047 flat smooth 650 38,000 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990524 Black RAL 9005 flat smooth 1000 41,680 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990454 Black RAL 9005 flat smooth 430 19,120 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]
990664 Black RAL 9005 flat smooth 650 0,737 Mounting for labelling material [EC002248]


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1. User data

2. Company data

3. Print type

4. Label specs


Label size

A x B mm

5. Graphic specs

Graphic size

H x W mm

Graphic position

X x Y mm

6. Request data