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Country UK / Ireland
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Lang en
  • en
  • en_US
  • it
  • fr
  • de
  • es
  • zh_CN
Country UK / Ireland
  • Italy
  • Usa / Canada / Mexico
  • France
  • Germany
  • UK / Ireland
  • Other countries
  • Spain


Interchangeable spindle
Mandrino opzionale caratterizzato da innesto rapido e bloccaggio automatico delle punte di foratura. Intercambiabile col mandrino standard MND, é adatto a ricevere le punte a DIS. FS 7874, con codolo di attacco Ø16 mm e lunghezza 325 mm secondo: CAT. 744 / PROG. 490 - 491 - 492 - 493
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  • Technical information
  • Weight and dimensions
  • Logistic
  • Classification and data ordering
Drilling diameter
16   mm
46   mm
104   mm
Maximum height
104   mm
46   mm
Maximum length
46   mm
Gross weight
171,150   g
Unit in minimal packaging
1   PCE
Unit in standard packaging
1   PCE
ETIM Class 7
Diamond drilling machine (electric) [EC001373]
Customs code

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1. User data

2. Company data

3. Print type

4. Label specs


Label size

A x B mm

5. Graphic specs

Graphic size

H x W mm

Graphic position

X x Y mm

6. Request data

Does your Cembre Product need maintenance?

Fill in the form and follow the instructions to request the maintenance service for your product

Reason for the maintenance