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Country Germany
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A-2M Angled

Certifications & approvals
  • UL (cULus)
    UL (cULus)
The 315° and 345° bent terminals of the A-2M series are made from electrolytic copper pipe of greater than 99.9% purity. Due to the process of annealing and electrolytic tinning, the connectors are easier to compress and more resistant to mechanical stress. The flap features a two-hole attachment to ensure maximum stability even under violent electrodynamic stress. The collar is provided with a chamfer and inspection hole to facilitate insertion of the conductor into the terminal and to avoid stretching of the elementary wires. The length of the collar is such as to facilitate the introduction of the terminal lug into the tool dies, thus simplifying wiring operations.
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  • 认证
-50   °C
150   °C
3   µm
UL 标准
UL 486A-486B

A-2M Angled
技术信息 重量和尺寸 包装信息 认证
tipo α [°] 螺栓直径 ØD [mm] B [mm] N [mm] M [mm] 各孔中心距 [mm] 电缆截面范围 [mm²] A [mm] Ø [mm] 电缆剥皮长度 [mm] Ø1 [mm] 最小包装单元 [pce] 标准包装单位 [pce] 符合ROHS标准
A5-2M8-24-24/345 15 M8 8.4 15 11 24 24 25 ÷ 25 13 7 15 9.3 100 300 Yes
A5-2M12-3029/345 15 M12 13.2 21 14 29 30 25 ÷ 25 10.5 7 11 11 400 200
A10-2M8-2424/345 15 M8 8.4 19 11 24 24 50 ÷ 50 16.5 10 19 13 500 150 Yes
A14-2M8-2424/345 15 M8 8.4 21 11 24 24 70 ÷ 70 18 11.3 20 14.6 500 100 Yes
A14-2M102426/315 45 M10 10.5 21 11 26 24 70 ÷ 70 18 11.3 20 14.6 300 100
A14-2M102426/345 15 M10 10.5 21 11 26 24 70 ÷ 70 18 11.3 20 14.6 300 100
A14-2M123029/345 15 M12 13.2 22 14 29 29 70 ÷ 70 18 11.3 20 14.6 300 100 Yes
A19-2M102426/345 15 M10 10.5 25 11 26 24 95 ÷ 95 22.5 13.5 25 17.5 300 75
A19-2M123029/345 15 M12 13.2 25 14 29 30 95 ÷ 95 22.5 13.5 25 17.5 300 75 Yes
A24-2M8-2429/345 15 M8 8.4 28.5 11 29 24 120 ÷ 120 24 15.2 27 19.6 300 50 Yes
A24-2M102429/345 15 M10 10.5 28.5 11 29 24 120 ÷ 120 24 15.2 27 19.6 300 50 Yes
A24-2M123029/345 15 M12 13.2 28.5 14 29 30 120 ÷ 120 24 15.2 27 19.6 25 50 Yes
A30-2M8-2429/345 15 M8 8.4 31.5 11 29 24 150 ÷ 150 24 16.7 27 21.5 300 30 Yes
A30-2M102428/345 15 M10 10.5 31.5 11 28 24 150 ÷ 150 26.5 16.7 30 21.5 300 50 Yes
A30-2M123029/345 15 M12 13.2 31.5 14 29 30 150 ÷ 150 26.5 16.7 30 21.5 20 40 Yes
A37-2M10-25/315 45 M10 10.5 35.5 11 13 25 185 ÷ 185 29 19.2 32 24.4 15 15
A37-2M123031/345 15 M12 13.2 35.5 14 31 30 185 ÷ 185 29 19.2 32 24.4 300 30 Yes
A48-2M12-30/45 45 M12 13.2 39 14 16 30 240 ÷ 240 33 21.1 37 27.2 10 20
A48-2M123031/345 15 M12 13.2 39 14 31 30 240 ÷ 240 33 21.1 37 27.2 300 20 Yes
A48-2M12/345 15 M12 13.2 39 14 16 44.5 240 ÷ 240 33 21.1 37 27.2
A60-2M123038/345 15 M12 13.2 44 14 38 30 300 ÷ 300 40 23.7 44 30.6 300 20 Yes

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